Welcome to the Milawa Markwood Oxley Landcare Group! New ideas, interest and members welcomed! 🌱
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If you are keen to join our Landcare Group you can complete and online registration at http://goo.gl/forms/N6lXftOX4FCYJLKH3 and direct transfer your $20 fee. A spray unit and fencing gear available free to financial members.
Landcare over the years has changed to encompass far more than pest, weeds and tree (although they are still relevant as they were at the beginning of Landcare 30 years ago). Landcare has the capacity to support works on private land as well as public land in partnerships with Committee of Managements, Council etc.
This is where we would like to know your interests and what you would like to get out of Landcare, it could be information sessions, workshops, on ground works, farm tours,…… Even more specific is ideal, so we can source suitable funding and build projects around these ideas. eg; fence and reveg an 800m length of my property along the King River, Bee keeping, building nest boxes for native mammals.
Milawa Markwood Landcare Group